Saturday, 26 January 2013

Top 10 Tech This Week (1/26/2013)

It was another exciting week in tech, with a wide range of exciting news. There was really something for all tastes: 3D printing, futuristic planes, medical breakthroughs and a new social video app.
The launch of Vine, a social video app developed by Twitter, took the social-media world by storm. Vine allows users to easily create six-seconds movie loops with a smartphone, and so far, it's been a hit. The other big tech announcement came last weekend, with the official launch of Kim Dotcom's new start-up Mega, the successor of the infamous Megaupload.
SEE ALSO: Previous editions of Top 10 Tech This Week
There were gadgets, too. First, the surprising debut of a new LG phone, the Optimus G Pro, which has even more impressive specs than the Optimus G. Then there was the somewhat wacky NEC Medias W, a phone with two different screens. Yes, you heard that right — the phone has two screens, one on the front, one on the back.
And in the futuristic news department, we had NASA demonstrating a manufacturing method that could eventually lead to the a manta-ray-shaped plane. — an aircraft that could potentially consume way less fuel than current airplanes.
Take a look at our Top 10 Tech This Week to see what else happened this week in the world of technology.

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